How to create a website design brief for your business

We all know that having a website is a must-have in today’s digital age but the process of creating a website design brief can be daunting.

Fear not! Lemongrass Media are here to help you navigate through this process seamlessly. Our team has put together a comprehensive guide to help you understand exactly what you need to include in your website design brief. Together, let’s create a professional and engaging website that will showcase your business.

Tell us all about you and your company

At the heart of any successful web design project is a deep understanding of your company and its unique story. A skilled web design agency will take the time to get to know your brand, values, products or services and target audience to create a website that truly reflects your vision and achieves your goals.

To begin the process, it’s important to outline your business backstory and the history of your company. This information not only provides context for your brand but also helps your web design agency to ask the right questions and suggest tailored solutions.

By working closely with your web design agency from the outset, you’ll be able to ensure that your website not only looks great but also effectively communicates your brand message and helps you make a positive impact in your industry.

Website design brief objective and goals

Creating a website can be a daunting task, but it’s essential to have a clear objective and goals in mind before starting. This will help your website design agency create a customised solution that meets your business needs. Before exploring design elements, have a good think about why you are building a website in the first place.

What are your ultimate goals?

For instance, if you’re launching an e-commerce store, you want to create a website that encourages sales. On the other hand, if you’re a non-profit organisation, your website might focus more on fostering community engagement and spreading awareness.

Whatever your goals may be, it’s critical to outline them in your website brief. This will provide your website design agency with a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and how to go about achieving it. You may also want to consider your target audience, as this will help inform your design choices.

Creating more brand awareness may be another objective you have in mind. If this is the case, you may want to invest in more SEO-focused content and optimise your website for search engines. This will increase your visibility online, allowing more people to discover your brand.

Having a clear objective and goals for your website is essential to its success. Taking the time to outline these in your website brief will help ensure that your website design agency is aligned with your vision and can create a bespoke solution that meets your needs. So, before diving into the design process, take a step back, and think about your goals. Your website will thank you for it.

List required features in your web design brief

When creating your web design brief, you must include a variety of key features. This should include items such as a blog, a contact page, and social media integration. Additionally, it is crucial to consider what type of content your website will feature. This might include videos, podcasts, high-quality images or animations.

Having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with your website is integral to its success. This is where a web design brief can come in handy. Not only does it ensure that all the necessary features are included, but it also helps your designer to understand the type of content that will be required.

Outline your vision

By outlining your vision through a well-constructed brief, you can ensure that your website will be both user-friendly and visually appealing. As a result, your website will be better able to capture and retain the attention of your audience, increasing the chances of generating leads, sales and success.

Remember, communication with your designer is key. Be sure to provide as much detail as possible in your web design brief, while also being open to feedback and suggestions. Ultimately, a collaborative approach is the best way to ensure that your website runs smoothly and meets your goals.

New website look and feel

Creating a captivating and engaging online presence is critical for any company or business. One of the most important aspects of this process is designing a website that captures the essence of your brand and appeals to your target audience. The look and feel of your website can make or break your online reputation, so it’s crucial to pay close attention to this aspect of your web development.

When planning your website’s look and feel, there are several key factors to keep in mind. First and foremost, you should consider your company’s brand values and ensure that these are reflected in the website’s design. Your web designer should have access to your branding guidelines (if you have them), as well as any examples of designs or colours you like, to help them create a website that accurately reflects your brand.

Another critical aspect of website design is capturing the right emotions in your target audience. Your website should evoke a particular feeling, whether it’s a sense of trust, excitement or calm, to engage and connect with your audience. This is an essential part of creating a memorable online experience for your customers and ensuring they return time and time again.

Be detailed and specific

When briefing your web design company, it’s important to be detailed and specific about your requirements. Provide them with as much information as possible about the look and feel you want to achieve, including any specific colours or design elements you’d like to see incorporated. A well-planned and executed web design brief will help ensure that your website meets your expectations and stands out in a crowded online marketplace.

Creating an effective website design is critical to your online success. The look and feel of your website will play a significant role in capturing your brand’s essence, evoking the right emotions in your target audience, and providing an engaging and memorable user experience. By taking the time to plan and brief your web design company effectively, you’ll be well on your way to creating a website that stands out from the crowd and delivers real results for your business.

What is your web design budget?

You are looking to create a stunning website that truly represents your brand and helps you stand out in the online world. Great! But before you dive headfirst into the exciting world of web design, there’s one important factor you’ll need to address: your budget.

Yes, we know. The thought of discussing money can be daunting but when it comes to creating a website that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations, it’s essential to be transparent about what you’re willing to invest.

Here’s the deal: in the world of web design, you do get what you pay for. Sure, you could go with the cheapest option out there, but you’ll likely end up with a cookie-cutter website that doesn’t speak to your unique brand and fails to capture your audience’s attention. On the other hand, if you invest in a high-quality website design, you’ll have a site that not only looks great but also functions flawlessly and helps you achieve your business goals.

How do you ensure that your website project runs smoothly and avoids any financial mishaps? The answer is simple: include your financial budget within the web design brief.

Manage expectations

By outlining your financial expectations upfront, you can set clear expectations between you and your developers. This means that everyone involved in the project knows exactly what you’re willing to invest and can work within those parameters to create a website that meets your needs and your budget.

Not only does this help you avoid potential surprises and disappointments down the line, but it also sets the tone for a successful collaboration between you and your developers. When everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal, the chances of your website project being successful skyrocket.

So, don’t shy away from discussing your budget. Embrace it as one of the key areas of your web design brief and see how it can help you create a website that makes a real impact. Remember, quality web design is an investment in your brand’s future, and it’s worth every penny when done right.


Creating a website that truly represents your brand can be an exciting endeavour, but without a clear plan, it can quickly become overwhelming. Don’t worry though – developing a comprehensive web design brief is the key to making your dream website a reality. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can confidently approach the process and leave the rest to the experts at Lemongrass Media.

With a brief that covers all the essential areas, including your brand’s objectives, target audience, and desired features, you won’t have to worry about a lack of clarity causing delays or disappointment. Lemongrass Media’s skilled designers will take this information and craft a website that not only meets your specific needs but also resonates with your customers.

Imagine having a beautiful, custom website that captures your brand’s essence and draws in new visitors, ultimately leading to growth and success. This can be a reality with the help of a well-crafted web design brief and the talented team at Lemongrass Media. Don’t wait any longer to bring your website vision to life – reach out to them today and watch as your online presence skyrockets.

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