Lemongrass Media Limited registered office address: 2 Manor Farm Court, Old Wolverton Road, Old Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5NN.
Registration in England & Wales. Registration number: 8596811
Videos can keep your audience interested no matter what you sell or do, they are more engaging than written content and are becoming a vital way to communicate online.
Did you know that humans process visuals (videos) 60,000 times faster than text? Videos help express your marketing message quickly and easily. They are much easier to process than pages and pages of written content, which is great for when you are targeting customers who need to make big decisions in a short space of time. Being able to show what your business can offer will engage customers and encourage those who usually wouldn’t get in touch.
Engaging videos also help your users to stay on your website for significantly longer, which is good for your SEO and leads us to our next point.
Using video can give your business a competitive edge when performing on organic search engines, such as Google. YouTube is then one of the second largest search engines after Google. YouTube is also owned by Google.
By creating an optimised YouTube channel and hosting your videos on the platform, you will be giving your business another opportunity to show up in Google’s search results. Go one step further and optimise your videos with carefully selected keywords in your title, description and tags to give your content an extra boost.
Embedding videos on your website from your YouTube channel will allow you to provide lots of engaging content for your users without negatively affecting your website speed. Again, great for your SEO.
Use videos on your website to show off your staff or surroundings and service offering. Visual content will help manifest your company’s personality, the type of people you are and how potential customers can relate to you. This helps your website users get to know and trust you.
Remember, people like to work with people and it’s important to show who you are and what you’re about when building relationships with your customers.
Creating one video does not mean it has to stay on just one platform. You can publish content on your website and then share it across your social media networks to optimise your reach. This will also allow your current customer base to share the video giving you the chance to go viral.
Using high-quality video will allow you to stand out against your competitors. You could create such a good video that the user will look back on it. It will also give you the chance to detail what you can offer to your potential customers, and if they are interested this will leave a lasting impact.
Speak with our Website Design Experts today
Our corporate website design services help businesses develop their desktop and mobile services for visitors, this could include adding videos to your website as above. We can also help to improve your website’s layout to make the uploading of videos a simple process. To find out more, please contact us on 0800 690 6250 or enquiries@lemongrassmedia.co.uk.