Social Media or Blogging – the best way to connect with your audience

Many of us spend hours on personal devices every day, browsing the internet for information and entertainment.

This is why many companies are now shifting to different online platforms to establish their brand and sell their products. Most companies use social media to reach their target market. In contrast, others use blogging and maximise its functionality by focusing on better website design to attract more potential leads. But the questions is: Which platform can help you connect with your audience more?

There are several things you need to consider when deciding on what online platform you want to use to reach your target market. One of the critical questions you need to ask your team is: How do we want to communicate our content to the general public? There’s no doubt that an online platform can help boost your brand recognition and get more potential clients.

Suppose you have agreed to maximise the use of online websites to attract your target market, what kind of online platform will you use? Social media or blogging? Here’s the lowdown on social media and blogging and which platform will help you to connect you with your audience:


The great thing about blogging is that it allows your company to create content that can truly live on your website in your terms. This means you’ll have more creative control over how your target market will see your content and services.

The reason your target market visits your website is that they need answers that you can provide through your products and services. On your end, a blog or a website allows you to easily share information about your company’s expertise and your industry. Educating your audience is one way to connect and become a reliable resource for information.

When you have your blog, you’ll have full creative control on your company’s web design which ultimately plays a huge factor in connecting with your audience. You’ll be able to increase your credibility, which in turn, increases your trust rating among your clients.

Social media

The advantage of social media is its convenience. This is because most, if not all, social media platforms have desktop and mobile applications that are incredibly convenient for consumers to access. Social media platforms are known to disseminate information faster and also reach a broader audience.

Another advantage of social media is that you’ll be able to track and receive feedback from your target market instantly. If spreading your message faster is your priority, a social media platform will help you get that job done.

Which one is better?


Blogging and social media, while they both exist in the online space, differ from each other with each having its own unique advantages. The best you can do is to incorporate the benefits of both online platforms and create a strategy where you can maximise their use. When you create content for your blog or website, you can then share it on your social media platforms to gain more attention and drive potential clients to your site.

An efficient way to execute this and get remarkable results is to use SEO to create content and share this on social media. Blending social media and blogging will give your company so many benefits and you’ll be surprised by the results.


Sticking to one platform nowadays isn’t a good idea. Because the internet is improving and developing, companies are starting to be smarter about how to tap potential clients and you’ll need to keep up. One way to do this is by blending the features of social media and blogging. Build a great website design and pair it with strong social media marketing to create a powerful tool for your company. With this, you will connect to your audience better and get maximum online results.

Does your company need help with website design? Lemongrass Media is a top web design company in Bedford. We are a team of experts who specialise in producing excellent website design and also offer web design consultancy. Want to get in touch? Contact us on 0800 690 6250 or

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