Saracens Bell Lane Primary School


Bell Lane Primary in Hendon joined the Saracens Multi-Academy Trust in 2024 and became Saracens Bell Lane. The school went through an entire rebrand as a consequence, and the Saracens MAT needed a website that not only presented their new red and black colours but also showcased the wonderful staff, children and governors that make up this vibrant and dynamic primary school.  Red and black are not simple colours to work with for a primary school website site, so we’ve added splashes of colour everywhere, used lots of whitespace to give all graphics room to breathe, introduced quotes and photos from parents, staff and children, and organised a colourful photoshoot to really bring the website to life.

bell lane hero

Bold and Effective

Many iterations of typefaces, colours and layouts were considered before we went with a bold black and red on white design, giving each element of the website a chance to stand out in its own right.  The navigation was completely restructured to give parents and prospective parents simple one-click access to wherever they need to be on the website.

bell lane 2

Custom Graphics

We love creating unique custom graphics for schools to set them apart. When we found out that each year group had 2 associated animals, one for each class in that year, we made these little graphics to sit at the top of each year group page!

ball lane customs