Lemongrass Media Limited registered office address: 2 Manor Farm Court, Old Wolverton Road, Old Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5NN.
Registration in England & Wales. Registration number: 8596811
Whether you’re a dedicated website designer or designing your first web page, here are some of the best practices that you should incorporate:
When your website design is not consistent with your brand, it can confuse users. Use predetermined colours, logos, and other elements on every page of your site. The same thing applies to the typography you use, as well as videos and images.
Keep in mind that your web design has a significant impact on how people perceive your brand. When building your website or going through a redesign process, choose a design that will suit the needs of your business. A simple modern design is the best choice. Some other elements that you can incorporate into your web design are captivating images and videos, and call-to-actions (CTAs) that stand out.
You need users to find what they need on your website easily. If they struggle to find it on your site, there is a big chance that you’re going to drive a lot of users away. One effective way to prevent this is to make your site navigation as simple as possible. Additionally, your navigation must be divided into appropriate categories that make sense for your business and your customers.
Social buttons on your site are an excellent social proof and also a great way to gain more followers. These buttons are easy to incorporate into your web design. You can place them wherever fits best: they could be on the header, footer, navigation or even above or below the page content. Just make sure that they’re clearly visible to site visitors.
Having a website that is helpful to customers is one thing, directing them to what’s next is another. As much as possible, you don’t want site visitors to exit your website without doing anything. Therefore, you need to direct users to take action before they leave your site, and one of the things that can help with this is your CTA buttons. CTAs are crucial to turning visitors into clients. Add one on each page and watch your conversion rates increase.
Are you implementing these best web design practices? If not, then it’s time that you consider the services of a good website design agency that can help you create a fast and innovative website that will bring successful results to your brand.
Consider these best practices as part of your marketing strategies which can impact your brand positively. Always remember that your web design says a lot about your business which is why it’s worthwhile to invest time and effort into it to ensure that it’s living up to your brand name.
For dedicated website designers, contact Lemongrass Media today and get a fully-customised website that can convert qualified leads.