Lemongrass Media Limited registered office address: 2 Manor Farm Court, Old Wolverton Road, Old Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5NN.
Registration in England & Wales. Registration number: 8596811
If you received great sales leads and clients the first few years your site was up and running, but are now finding little or no sales, there is something wrong. Another sign you may need a new website, or even a new web hosting service is when your site starts to need maintenance more often. It’s possible that the site hosting service has been writing bad code on top of more bad code, making your site sluggish, hard to navigate through, and not as secure as it once was.
Has your site caught up with the new millennium? Is your site able to be viewed on a mobile app? While people are still using computers and laptops, millions of people around the world are using mobile apps for their phone and iPads these days. If your site isn’t able to be viewed on a person’s phone, then you are missing out on these sales. Do you have a social networking page that links to your website? Social networking is growing by leaps and bounds, and is no longer just a way to connect with friends and family. People on social media websites are constantly liking their favorite celebrities, brands they like, and sharing information about the products and services they buy. If you’re not on these sites, then you aren’t expanding your business.
Have you checked to see if you are still on the top pages of search engines lately? Do you know what your online reputation is? Do you know what the reputation of your web hosting company is? These questions should be some of your top priorities. If you can’t answer these questions, or your host can’t give you clear and concise answers, it’s probably time to change your website and your web host.
It doesn’t matter whether you have a school website, a commercial site, or even a blog page, if your web host isn’t keeping up with the times, then it’s time to get a new one. If your site still has one of those flash player intros, meaning that when a client or potential customer comes to your site and is greeted with an animated introduction, you need to get rid of it. These may have been great in the past, but today they are considered cheesy. People who come to your site want to get right to the products or services you provide, they don’t want to have to wait through an outdated animation.
When was the last time you shopped around for a new web designer? You shop around for the best deals on insurance, or when you’re buying something right? Well the same holds true for web designers. Old school designers can become complacent, and may forget that they have a lot of competition too. If your web designer isn’t performing the way you want them, isn’t getting your website on top of search engines, or keeping up with the rest of the world, then you need to change to a designer that’s going to take your site to the next level.
While a professional web designer will help you get your site back on track, what makes a good web designer? You want a hosting service that offers a full range of products and services. Just like you want your site to have a good reputation, your designer has to have a good reputation too. First they need to be able to not just offer a great site, your designer has to be able to get mobile apps developed for you. They also need to get your site a page on all the major social media websites. Instead of just rehashing your old website, a good designer is going to totally revamp it, eliminating all the old code and start completely new. They need to have a strong internet presence themselves, and have a large portfolio of clients. You also need to shop around, getting the most for the money you spend.
To discuss your website requirements in more detail, give us a call on 0800 690 6250 or drop us an email at enquiries@lemongrassmedia.co.uk we’d love to hear from you!