Lemongrass Media Limited registered office address: 2 Manor Farm Court, Old Wolverton Road, Old Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5NN.
Registration in England & Wales. Registration number: 8596811
Because of this, having some form of navigation in place is essential for any website no matter how great or small they might be. Yet merely having a navigation feature on your website isn’t good enough. It has to be a system that is built to make it easy for your customers to find exactly what they want from your website in a way that maximizes efficiency and minimizes frustration. Otherwise, your website could be nothing more than an intimidating labyrinth of confusion that may cost you clients that would otherwise be loyal to your brand.
Fortunately, putting together a web navigation experience that is logical and easy for your customers to use is not all that difficult to construct. All it really takes is an adherence to a few simple, sensible steps. Some of these steps include:
Of course, there is more to a solid navigation system than merely making sure the right tools are in place. For instance, you should constantly check your website to ensure that the navigation is working properly and that issues like a Page Not Found error or a search that does not produce results do not occur. Also, you should ensure that your navigation happens at a decent speed. Internet users are less patient with page load times than ever before, so a slow navigation experience can leave your customers extremely flustered.
All of the elements that you can use in order to build a proper navigation system are tied by one common bond: Logic. If there is any aspect to exploring your website that disrupts a systematic flow in any way, get rid of that aspect immediately. Remember, if it doesn’t make sense to you, it probably won’t make sense to your customers, either.
If you need help with your website navigation, or perhaps you need a whole new website for your company, we can help. Discover more about our corporate website design services. Want to get in touch? Contact us on 0800 690 6250 or enquiries@lemongrassmedia.co.uk